The primary goal of this course: To lay the foundations of Biblical Church government as revealed within the pages of God’s written Word. We know that across our nation exist various congregations with different denominational backgrounds and beliefs. Biblical church government is not limited to a certain denominational group or by a certain single doctrine or creed found within the Word of God. Instead, it is learning to accept the full counsel of Jesus Christ in order to fulfill His purposes of Kingdom growth, leadership responsibility, local congregational establishment, and individual relationship and accountability. This course limits itself to the terminology found within the contextual basis of the Bible. Our hope is to bring a uniformity of understanding across the National Church so that true leadership will arise and fulfill the desire of Jesus Christ in our day
To the overseer of the local assembly: We ask that you take the time to study and consider the process and the purposes of the Biblical church government system revealed in this series. We are believing God to bring you and your congregation true church leadership that desire to build up and strengthen your local assembly. Instead of one man carrying the pressure and task of taking care of the whole assembly, the true church government structure revealed in the pages that follow will distribute the local responsibilities and cause the assembly to appreciate the varied gifting and callings God has given to His Church. The system in the Word is also designed to raise up future leaders who will take the torch of the Gospel tomorrow and continue the work you have labored for into the next generation. The process of Biblical church government gives the overseer and elders the opportunity to know the next generation of ministers before the time of transfer. It also transforms the local assembly into a hands-on education facility that tests and tries the hearts of those with calling. It gives the local assembly the opportunity to release, bless, and sow into the ministry works of those found among them with true hearts toward the things of God. By knowing the laborer, the opportunity for precious financial seed to be squandered is greatly reduced, thereby giving the Lord the most gain from the Master’s provision.
To the individual desiring ministry: This course is designed to open up your eyes to the cost and labor that will be required of you in the days to come. It will show you that the call is not enough to produce the desired success when you enter the war. Great personal sacrifice and discipline is required to grow to greater levels of Spiritual authority. In God’s Kingdom government, there is no place for the idea of individual kingdom. While we each have individual labor, it all belongs to our King and final authority, Jesus Christ. By living the Biblical church government structure, we will find that the way of obedience to God’s Word is the best way to protect the individuals called to the ministry, while succoring all of our labors to the point the Church of Jesus Christ experiences minimal loss and damage due to the inadequate nature found within man