What does it mean to be a part of the body of Christ? How do I fit in at church? Can God use me? Becoming like Jesus is not an instant work. Becoming like Him requires relationships with God and with people. Relationships are tested over time and how we deal with others reflects the heart of God at work in our lives.
This course is designed to grow and train believers to be effective builders of the body of Christ. Over the next few weeks we will discuss and implement a series of Bible based principles that will cause each individual to be stronger in their faith and walk with God. It is impossible for the believer to build others until he or she is built up in the basics of the Christian faith.
To become strong people we must commit ourselves to each and every training session. This will require faithful attendance, personal study, and individual participation of the principles brought forth in each session. It’s time for you to ask yourself “HOW STRONG IS YOUR FAITH?” If we fail to follow through in the fundamental teachings of the Gospel, then we fail to be as strong and stable as God desires us to be.
As we take a good look at our personal walk with God, we will find many areas that need some personal attention. Instead of focusing on the problems of others, allow the Holy Spirit to pinpoint the areas in your own life that need change. Instead of excusing our individual lethargy, we will confront it and work on that area until it comes into line with God’s blueprint for His Church.
In this curriculum, Scott C. Lovett takes us on a tour of the different aspects of church membership, exploring topics like the Sabbath, offense, commitment, prejudice, church relationship issues, and much more. Teaching on these types of issues will help the members of the body develop firm foundations that build long lasting church relationships. The local church is not made to fulfill the will of a single member, it is a corporate group of christian believers brought together to fulfill God's will on the earth. Every member of the church body needs to be established in knowing what church is all about.